End Times - 1

Re-evaluation of all values

Points of departure:

All except the sleeping beauties of this planet will have ascertained that we are deep into a civil war, worldwide, undeniably since 2020, but covert long before. For the moment it is a phoney war, or a war of information, but it might manifest a turn to violence at any time. This quite apart from a possibly catastrophic expansion of military hostilities provoked by the power mongers of the West.

Those of us who are awake have been astonished at the extent of the corruption, with most checks & balances failing. Almost all cherished institutions have been captured. We have also had to re-examine and often reject much that we thought was scientifically or historically proven.

Here for the sake of clarity and for newcomers, a list of points of departure:

There was no pandemic. It was a planned and coerced psychological operation (psy-op) such that it is best named a Plandemic.

Even if there had been a pandemic, the measures imposed would have been worse than useless (i.e. counter-productive) in combatting any illness.

The timing was probably determined by an impending financial crisis of unheard proportions.

There was a confluence of conspirational forces, which are unlikely to have been unitary. Some will have been driven by greed, but others were set on a power grab, with destructive designs on global populations.

The climate change scare serves only to mask machinations to disrupt the weather through the deployment of chemtrails. A warming of the planet would be desirable. Photosynthesis requires abundant carbon dioxide. Without it, no plant life and therefore the death of animals and humans. The contention of the propaganda here is an evident absurdity to rival flat earth theory. It is an insult to all thinking people.

The spread of microwave technology and especially of 5G is a further cause for alarm. For those who are susceptible, or rather, have been sensitised by close proximity to the masts, the health effects range from debilitating to deadly. Microwave overload is a possible cause of the upsurge in cancers over many years.

It has emerged that all vaccinations, going back centuries, are harmful, indeed nefarious. This is possibly by design, tho few will have been inducted into this knowledge. Reference the work of Charles Richet, Nobel-Prize winner of 1913. As in recent decades vaccinations have increased in numbers and universality so too have cases not only of autism, but of allergies. It is speculated that vaccinations may be the cause of Downs syndrome, narcolepsy and even obesity. To check, go to classical literature about country life and look (in vain) for mention of hay-fever.

A debate is currently raging among adherents of the RÇsistance about the existence or not of viruses. After examining the evidence and arguments, this author is convinced that there are no viruses. There are poisons, some of which might operate via nanotechnology and be spread by malevolent actors and by chemtrails. These might superficially act as viruses are claimed to act.

This debate pales into insignificance compared with the vehemence with which vaccine dogma is upheld. That is an understatement. Not only is there a refusal to engage in debate (comparable to the silence of the virologists), massive and illegitimate pressure is brought to bear on any who question this most lucrative and ancient medical malpractice.

Traditional vaccination has been harmful enough, but the mRNA injections propagated as ?safe & effective? preventative measures against Covid19 (a non-existence disease) look designed to cripple and reduce the numbers of those who would otherwise be young, strong and healthy.

If you have doubts about any of the above, then you have not been keeping up with developments. The gist of all of my points of departure have been vouched for by various world-leading experts in the different specialities. The points of departure are listed here to avoid misunderstanding. I do not imagine circumstances arising which would lead me (or most of us) to revisit these issues.

In subsequent sections I shall turn my attention to the assumptions held by most in the RÇsistance and the remedies they propose.